- because of the creative women of Ogilvy Chicago who are making it happen.
As I'm typing this, I am peering over my computer at the amazing estrogen-driven creatives sitting within 10 feet of me.
DONNA CHARLTON-PERRIN. Group creative director.
Mother. Best creative writer in the world.
ALLIE ARMSTRONG. Art director.
part of the illustrationcorporation.com, huggies co-conspirator & model.
and adorable + sick talented.
CARA SUGLICH. Copywriter.
And creative writer with an amazing voice- and contributor to Camp Style
AMY GOZALKA. Art Director.
funny as hell + crazy inspiring creative.
MEGAN EVANS. Assoc Creative Director.
Mom, Creative, wonderwoman.
BIANCA REGGI. Art Director.
Personal friends with Shelly Lazurus (recent inductee to Advertising Hall of Fame) and the funniest girl I know.
These are only a teensy hand full of girls that I happen to work with on a daily basis- the rest of our office is full of some of the most inspiring women that I've ever met. (amy, meghan, liz..... there is no end.)
They are wives, mothers, and advertising execs by day, with an entirely separate world of creativity that really makes me happy to share office space with them.
So thanks for the inspiration, ladies! You are all women to watch.
& THANKS Advertising Age for recognizing that Ogilvy Chicago is a huge supporter of female creativity. (I am happy + humbled to be included in this round up of ladies & to work at a place that supports creative expression in all mediums)
Women influence 80% of consumer spending yet only 3% of advertising Creative Directors are women. for a good read on why this matters, check out 3percentboulder.com
"Our Women to Watch class of 2013 hails from a diverse group of companies, from Aegis to National Geographic and Taco Bell and more. But they have one thing in common -- they have accomplished much and are facing fresh challenges that make them worth your attention."

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