
best. gift. ever.

our friend brittany brought us to fantastic antique framed prints from the CAMP FIRE GIRLS...
with creeds of wisdom.

so we started to dig to find out more, and became instantly obsessed with this early 'girlscout-esque' girls organization dating back to the early 1900s...

david surprised me with an awesome antique manual, and two insanely detailed, hand-made ceremonial gowns from the 20's. i love them so much i could cry. each girl would make and decorate their gown like little indian princesses....

and some wiki info:

The Camp Fire ceremonial gown is based on the pattern for the Native American women's gowns. Due to its simple pattern that can be becoming to all girls, it is an inexpensive design that makes all girls equal, and it is easy to adjust as the owner grows older.[31] Now a youth may choose any style of ceremonial attire, particularly if it honors the ethnic background to which the youth can trace his or her background or toward which he or she has an affinity. This attire can include tunics, kimonos, Scandinavian skirts/aprons, etc. The ceremonial attire is decorated with honor beads, earned emblems, and other personal items the youth chooses. Sometimes the youth's symbolgram is used on the gown/tunic. The symbolgram is a symbol created by the youth to represent him/herself. By 1946 the ceremonial gown was optional.[32

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