while we'd like to think that there is so much to do at wanda that nobody would ever need to leave, we have a bunch of fun excursions in the area that we like to send to folks. so we made a little '3 perfect days' guide for guests. (best places to eat, shop, drink, explore and learn).
description of the place will go websitehere.com
2. DELEVAN ANTIQUES tommy guns antique mall 230 E Walworth Ave Delavan
3. MAIN ST LAKE GENEVA all manner of boutiques galore. lakegenevawi.com
4. ELEGANT FARMER the famous grocer + orchard websitehere.com
5. BOUTIQUE GROCER right up the lane & amazing lakecountrymarket.com
6. ZIPLINE closeby (lake geneva) & fun as all get-out lakegenevacanopytours.com
6. BIKE RENTAL maps, bikes, lattes. great small lunch menu, adorable. backyardbikes.com
7. RIVER RAFTING float down the water on a tube.websitehere.com
8. TRAIL HIKING Kettle Moraine State Forest N1765 Highway G
9. HORSEBACK RIDING animal zoo & ranch fantasyhillsranch.com
10 STELLAR WINERY description of the place will go stallerestate.com
11. PICK-YOUR-OWN description of the place will go websitehere.com
12 FISH FRY LAUDERDALE LANDING. our neighboring lake just on the water, 10 min from the front door & worth it!
1.3 OLD SCHOOL STEAKS an old school joint in the middle of cornfield. literally. and perfectly untouched by time. chalet
14. HOLI CANNOLI a stones throw from Wandawega, this 2-generation italian family cook up feasts to rival grand street chicago places. (rt 12 off A)
15. TEN CHIMNEYS one of my favorite places in the universe. a famous old NY theatre couple (alfred lundt and lynn fontaine) created and insane personal compound to entertain their famous friends like errol flynn, katherine hepburn and the like. 45 minute jaunt. easy breezy covergirl. tenchimneys.org
16. BLACK POINT gorgeous lakeside mansion- you have to take a ferry across lake geneva to visit (which is worth it alone, the scenery is unbelievable. giving a peek at the mansions lining the shores of Geneva show us how the other half live. the mansion is time capsule in every sense. built in the late 1800's, 7 generations blackpointpreserve.org
17. OLD WORLD WISCONSIN a historic mecca for families- you can spend an entire day at these towns, completely recreated from moving oldworldwisconsin.wisconsinhistory.org
18. EAST TROY take a ride in an antique train through an old vacation line- to the Elegant Farmer for shopping- easttroyrr.org
* for more ideas of places to go and things to do, consult the ‘cabin’ book in your room or visit walworthcountytourism.com & for more about camp, visit wandawega.com
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