
BEFORE AND AFTER. the kitchen.

one run-down, rotting, sad little mess of a kitchen.
some ikea, vision, prayers and a whole lot of elbow grease later.
wandawega gets a new kitchen.

ripped out the ceiling, new wood floors, beam ceilings, subway tiles all around, farm table island and $5k later... its actually usable!
C'est moi Claudette said...

T, this looks like ours. I should show you some before and afters also. Looks like you did a FANTASTIC job on this little baby. I've never been to Wisconsin, but I have very special friends that come from there.
We have squeaky cheese curds here that are very yummy...I know you have good cheese there too, lol.
Can't wait to read more.
Love Claudie

Pinecone Camp said...

What a giant transformation. If you find yourself in Vancouver, feel free to pop by our house with you tool box! I love this kitchen!!
Have a good day.

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