CASE IN POINT: the flea in Prague and one in Vienna, Austria.
I found....
...this beautiful hand carved black forest oak frame.

The hand-inked label is still on the back (does anybody read Czech?).
And the matt board is completely intact (with embossed details). It only cost $20.
I found a stack of WWII maps, backed onto linen and individually hand labeled for $3 each.
(I'm thinking about making a huge wall installation with these at some point)
I got some handmade table runners in the most beautiful hand-spun linen. The dealer said they were at least 80 years old (they were $5 each).
Oh, man. There were lots of antler mounts (they're super common in the area)! This guy was $12.
Got a sweet little carved frame with local motif for $2.
Scored a huuuuuge ring of vintage skeleton keys (the whole batch? $11).
Here's a detail shot of one of the antler mounts (it was common to include the year and location of the 'bag').
Scooped up piles upon piles of vintage wooden hangers--heavy metal hooks, stamped wood frames...
I bought a silver tray with inlaid handcut silhouette of a hunting scene with a glass topper (I can't believe this didn't break coming home!).
Here's a sweet little wooden box that originally served as packaging for different sizes of safety pins ($4).
Picked up a teensy bronze engraved trophy of a mouse on a walnut for $6 (circa 1940s).
Found an antique wooden child's flute in its original velveteen box ($3).
Check out the rest of the antlers!
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