my friend becky was camp counseling a few weeks ago,
and had these dangling from her arm.
(gotta love a girl who rocks multiple gold bracelets while canoeing)
i love that charm bracelets tell a story.
each charm marking a monumental moment.
Becky was wearing her mother's and her grandmothers.
She also has her own, and her daughter Lilly will be the fairest of
them all when one day she gets to wear
some of my favorite stories on Becky's wrist...
* profile silhouette her brother as a baby- in gold die cut
* sorority crest from her mother's college
* eiffel tower from a parisian vacation
* a watch face from her grandmother's old timepeice
* an ebony carved buddha from an excursion from china back in the 60's
* a tiny precious silver engraved locket
if you want to start making your own, or score a gorgeous pre-assembled vintage bracelet--
check out my girl Barri Leiner-
she & her partner Marie Moss are the masterminds behind M AND B VINTAGE
and have amassed the most gorgeous and diverse collection of all things charm ---ever.
They do vintage, custom peices (featured in everything from InStyle to ELLE) check them out here
(more on the super-duo to come, these girls are the flea-market-book-writing dream team that i
stalk on a regular basis for inspiration)
Here is Barri's bracelet-- (that she designed from their 'charm bar')
"barri's bracelet got its inspiration from her mom, ellen. more memories were layered on with a mix of sterling, gold, enamel and rhinestone"
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