my dear friend guyer sent me an email that one of our fav blogs (strangeclosets.com)
posted a fab story about him (his job, tabletop design)
check it out here: http://www.strangeclosets.com
A Very Modest Cottage is the story of author Tereasa Surratt’s efforts to rescue, move and rehab a tiny 20’s-era vacation cottage, and it makes me smile every time I spend some time with it. DIY books can feel so by-the-numbers, but this one, published by Country Living, feels like a genuine labor of love. The book is steeped in nostalgia; it’s part of the reason Surratt feels compelled to intervene in the cottage’s fate, and it’s reflected in visuals of vintage advertisements, newspaper stories and photos reproduced and interspersed throughout the book. Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolli-lolli-lolli lollipop! Best of all, it’s chock full of little gee-whizzes. And not just literally. This book includes actual stuff. The first time I flipped through it, things starting falling out on the floor: perfect reproductions of a vintage post card, a little box of matches and a cottage key. There’s even a library card pasted in the inside front cover. Check it out. In addition to the doodads and the excellent presentation, Tereasa Surratt’s story is interesting and well told. Click here for the Amazon listing.
The Contest
The reader with the most interesting tabletop, as judged by the readers, will win a copy of A Very Modest Cottage. Entries due by Friday, April 30th. After mentioning the idea on the Strange Closets Facebook page, I’ve received several entries, so rest assured, you won’t be the only one. The more, the merrier. I love every one I’ve received so far. It’s just a tabletop, so it can be messy, crazy or luxe-y. As an added incentive, consider that advances in technology have made sending photographs easy and inexpensive. Simply choose a tabletop in your home, take a photograph, finish exposing the rest of the film. Then drop off the roll at the photo processing store (I recommend selecting a matte finish). Developing the photos will take a few days*, but rumors are rampant that exponential leaps in technology will reduce this to a one hour process. After you pick up the photos, simply choose your favorite and mail it to me. Two weeks start to finish. Max. No heavy glass negative plates to transport. No dangerous broken flash bulbs to sweep off the floor. So with that, I kindly ask you to participate. Click here for a peek of my tabletop in the instant classic post My Own Private Tabletop. (In all seriousness, please just e-mail me the pics: strangeclosets at yahoo). I’ll post the entries for your consideration during the first week of May. Entries due by Friday, April 30th.
* Nudes will often be confiscated (and nearly always laughed at), lest you get any crazy ideas about how to finish the roll of film.
I can't wait to receive my issue - just ordered a copy!
Have a good weekend.
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