
wanna trade houses?

Behomm.com is a home exchange program for visual artists. We got an invitation to join recently and became a inaugural member of a global community of folks who literally house swap. To participate, you ask a friend for an invitation, and if your home is accepted into the program- you can go anywhere in the world and live someone else's dream for a few days or even a month (with another willing participant in the group).

You can choose from swap homes in regions in Africa, Asia, Oceania, America & Europe.
(Even cooler is that you can swap a flat in Paris, a condo in Brooklyn or an apt in Chicago- as long as you are visual artist / creative and your space is as well.)

Here are some homes / owners participating from Copenhagen, Sydney, Portugal, Mexico, Italy, Netherlands, Vancouver, Indonesia, Cyprus & France.

(starting with their current landing page- camp! muuuuch few amenities than the other homes)

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